Sunday, May 22, 2005


No updates lately... nothing much... just summer classes... I'm taking Italian and so far so good.. here are a few things I learned that I can share with y'all..

Buongiorno! Ciao! (Hellooooo)
Come stai? (How are you?)
Mi chiamo Khairan. (My name is blabla)
Di dove sei? (Where are you from?)

Something useful for whoever who might go to Venice for example on your honeymoon,(hehe) if you sit at a table instead of at a bar, you have to pay because you are using their chair... bwahahaha... you can't even sit for free... So, don't get mad if you suddenly get a receipt for just sitting..

hmm... I'll be going to Midwest Games next week.. not playing anything, just sight seeing.. hehe... I'll get to meet my friends that I haven't seen for quite some time.. yeayea.. i can't wait..

Anyway, hope to see you guys soon and for those in Malaysia, hope to see you guys soon also.. :) take care.. a'kum

By the way, this is a pic of my parents n sis in Paris... NOT FAIR!

At Louvre Museum