Saturday, September 24, 2005

I guess the only thing that succeeded to keep me awake right now, is shoppinggg... Check this mobiBLU. I saw this really cute 'World's smallest mp3 Player... 1 GB and 1 inch cube!' Well, just look at it! It's $129.90 and are sold in Walmart. The battery lasts for up to 10 hours (more impressive than my ipod). It's available in 6 colors, black, white, orange, indigo, pink and red... sooo cute! Why am I advertising this?? I want to go to Walmart and hold them! I don't think it'll be easy to navigate since it's too small and the songs have to be compressed as mp3 or WMA. Other than listening to your songs, you can also listen to radio stations and record your voice. It has a clock display and a timer. You can check it out at cnet. Finally, a cute device for me to listen to Kiss FM... not like I'm going to buy any, heheee...

Did you guys know, Daniel won Malaysian Idol 2? What happened? Whattttttttt???
Woke up this 'morning', and Nani n Faten were already cooking Nasi Ayam.. yummyyyy... :) We had this conversation about Malaysian traditional songs. I don't really consider Siti's songs as traditional. Big sorry for Siti's fans out there. The 'traditional' songs right now seems like it all came from Jawa, Indonesia... hehe.. When I think of traditional, I mean P. Ramlee and Saloma's songs or S. Jibeng n stuff. The kind that soothes. Have you guys ever heard of Ketipang Payung? I find that song very soothing. I love it! I'm sorry I can't put it up on the site but you can listen to it on this website, Senandung Silam and you'll need Real Player to listen to it.
The dance choreography is great. They dance very smoothly and there's always a formation. My dad told me when P. Ramlee were making movies back then, everyone would stay at this same place to practise and they would practise day and night to get it right. That's why if you see the dancings in old Malay movies, they were perfect.
All in all... I think Malay singers who want to sing traditional songs, should look back to the 50s, 60s or the 70s.