Not so yeppy day
Saturday, September 17, 2005

I am soooooooooooooooooooo sleepy... and I still have 7 hours and 28 minutes left to work... heheh... forgive me if the next few sentences or paragraphs are crap... :D

I want to give my opinion about sth but I haven't figured out what that sth might be... hehe... so I'll just talk about my family. All of a sudden I'm missing them... (not like I never miss them eh!) I guess bcoz everyone is going everywhere and I haven't had the time to talk to them frequently... My mom will be going to somewhere in Chiang Mai(for work) and I won't be able to talk to her for 2 weeks and my sister is joining the Kelana Convoy for her ultimate Europe tour which would probably take 2 weeks or more. I guess it's the mixed feelings of being stuck here, not being able to call and not being able to travel with.

Today is just a not-so-good day for me(I should really count my blessings!). I had to settle some errands and most of them didn't go as planned. Have you guys ever felt like the whole world is turning against you? hehe... one of my unhappy entries, obviously. (I wonder why these last 2 Fridays didn't work for me(a better term than suck... hehe))

Thus, I'm just going to stop here for now and when I'm in a better mood, I'll write... love y'all... daaaaaaaa

PS:This can really cheer u up... that is if u're as bummed as me. Nani found this at
Beautiful Atrocities (some of them are really funny, but true...!).I mixed the funny ones with the mundane ones, just so that you won't get overwhelmed). This blogger is hilarious. He picked some of the interesting Qs from ask-the-imam.

PSS:One more thing, I really hate the pop-up and I've updated my tag-board. The pop-up will stop in a few weeks. Please bear with it... :( sorry... okay, I'm going to stop now.

Islamic Q&A Online with Mufti Ebrahim Desai

Q: During lunch break, I warm up my food in the same microwave that everybody uses. Please let me know if it is alright.
A: It is permissible to share a microwave with non-Muslims. It is advisable to wipe the oven before using it.

Q: Is it permissable to read the quran cross legged?
A: Yes.

Q: Is it permissible to read a book or newspaper in the toilet?
A: No.

Q: Is it permissable to read the quran cross legged on the toilet?
A: [Okay, I made that one up]

Q: Is there a prohibition against whistling?
A: It is not permissible to whistle. However, if there is a dire need & there is no alternative, then one will be excused.

Q: I masturbated a few days ago & my auntie died few days later. Is this my fault?
A: Firstly, masturbation is not permitted in Islam. Second, masturbating does not effect the death of another person or can cause them any harm.

Q: Ive read on da mosque board dat one of da sins r da pants below da ankles? from which hadith is this?
A: Wearing pants below the ankles is one of the major sins.