annyeong haseyo... :)
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Assalamualaikum... hi there frens n loved one(Bi) hehee
Thanks to Add for calling me from the concert and letting me at least listen to the concert.. (she just put the cell phone on speaker and let me listen to Bi sing) huwaaa... how I wish I could go!!! aaa... luckily, me and my friends went out to celebrate Fatin's birthday... it was a great party... at least it kept my mind off the concert.. hehheee
The day after the concert... Widot told me she was practically a few inches away from Bi... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... the fact that she bought an expensive ticket to sit close to the stage already made me veryyyy jealous and she had to tell me she actually met Bi... they were eating in the same restaurant!!!
Widot and her friends heard that Bi was going to have dinner at this restaurant because that Korean restaurant is one of Bi's concert sponsors. And so they reserved a table at that restaurant.. and when they went there.. there was Bi! They were sitting very close to Bi's table!!(or so I was told) aaaaaaaaaa... I'm so freaking jealous!!! I told Kak Murni about this and she had to leave the room to get a grip on herself since her baby was already asleep... hahahaha
aaaaaaaaaa... it could've been me sitting very close to him having a perfectly great2 dinner! aaaaaaaaa....
hahahah...okay, other than Bi... my cat stuffed animal Wiwi(from Mawi's name) has been officially named Bibi now... hehehehe... and he has a new gf! Fatin just got a cat for her birthday present from Hana n Yana with the name Delilah.. hahahha... yeay! My roommate and Fatin is crazy and they made a whole story by taking pictures of the toys... I'll upload the pics once she finds her camera's cable... hahah...
ok peeps... so much for Bi and toys... it's STEELERS time! Here We Go! Everywhere I go in Pittsburgh right now is full of black and gold decorations... I wish I can take pictures and show it here but it might be too late for that.... even the busses say GO STEELERS! It's veryyyy exciting... for those who don't know, Steelers is Pittsburgh's American football team and we're going to the finals yo! To the Superbowl XL! Tomorrow! and we're all hyped to make sure they win.... this whole week has been really exciting for Pittsburghers... :) please please win!!!! (thanx to someone for explaining to me how the game works... hehe)
okayyyyy.... back to my homework... grrr.. i'll say goodbyeeeee... nite2... take care lovely ppl! mmmuahhhhh


Delicious Cold Stone's strawberry ice cream cheese cake!

so niceee... the waitresses(wearing Steelers colors!)

hehe... Full House casts n crews! (Bi, the one in grey... looks so cute!) look at the next pic! :D

tiru Bi n Song Hye Kyo

tiru Hye Won

comeinyeee (Bi n Song Hye Kyo, Full House main casts)

