Malam Bulan Dipagar Bintang
Sunday, June 19, 2005
I got my biglietti!
hihi... feels so great to hold a $1600 dollars ticket in my hand(Petronas paid for it of course!)... and so scary too... but I'm excited and ready to go! I will be heading back home soon. I can't wait! I will miss my friends here :( but I have not seen my parents and my home for a year so I'm excited too... :)
hmmm... I'm really busy this weekend as I have lots and lots of homework due plus quizzes and exams for my final week. Next weekend, I will have to pack all my stuff and move them to Nani's place and also go shopping for gifts to give everyone back at home! aaaa... but I'm happy. At least I got myself busy this summer so that I won't have time to wonder... ;)
A wise man asked me what I do with my time and also asked "Do you just wonder?" hahaaa... no one has ever asked me that question. Well I guess it makes sense since guys play games all the time and girls... hmmm... I have no idea what girls do with their time... anyone has any ideas?
For me, I tried cross-stitching and hmm of course I got tired of it... well that's about it I guess. And I can't believe I cannot find myself a hobby! (hope I can find myself a hubby... hehehe... kidding2) but seriously, I don't have a hobby and I can't find one. I like to cook but only if I feel like it. I don't cook all the time and I don't like to cook by myself. This reminds me of my last weekend when I made lots of desserts. Chocolate mousse and (corn porridge?) with Sam. 'Kuih ketayap n karipap!' with Kak Yan. yummyy......
So, I can't really say cooking is my hobby as I won't do it by myself and I can't say shopping is my hobby too because well I can't shop when I'm broke for example now... hmm...
Nevertheless, I have a movie review due tomorrow but here I am writing crap... I'm sorry my writing is full of hmm and '...' and well and guess and hehe... I write for fun and I do not go to WITS to check my writings... wink2* hehee...
Take care everyone and have a lovely weekend... ;)
PS: for girls, if you have any ideas on how you spend your time, do tell me... :D
A weekend at the Sanford's
aaaaaa... It seems like I never spend my weekends at home... hehe... Last weekend, I went to stay at Sam's parents home. They live like more than an hour away from CMU... in a place I never thought existed in Pennsylvania...
When Sam told me she lives in the country, I couldn't believe her because Pittsburgh seems to be so busy that I never thought there is a nice and quite place nearby...

From Sam's bedroom window
The stay was fun and exciting! Me likey very very much! :) Thanx Sam for inviting me over... Your parents and your sister are very nice... but you... hmm... i wonder where you came from... hahaaa (Samantha pon sgt baik) That means you fart a lot... bwahhahaah
Hmm... On Friday evening right after my class, Sam messaged me and said that her dad was already here so I packed really2 fast! Then, we all had a lovely dinner in a log cabin made of logs.. (somehow it sounded funnier when your dad said it) hahaa.... Your dad is hilarious and your mom is very sweet... :)
The day after, we went to a wedding... My first time to actually go to an American Wedding! hahaaa... Trust me it was not like in that movie... Well everyone said that the wedding was not a typical American wedding. Probably because the bride was mean and looked like she was about to run away. hahaa.. and later that evening, that's when everything started to crumble... hahaahaaa... The bad luck that I brought :P
Sam, her dad, her sis and I went to the mall to get Sam and her dad a haircut. However, Sam's haircut was the worst haircut her mother had ever seen... hahahaaaa... it's not THAT bad! hahaaa... Well not that bad until Sam thought of wearing my scarf.. hahaa
That's not the end of the bad luck. Just as we were starting to shop in a grocery store to buy some food, her mom who was alone in the house thought that she heard a robber... hmm that was scary! So, we all hurried back and her dad searched the house like James Bond with a loaded gun. It turns out, no one was there... Thank God!!!
Enough with all the excitement. On Sunday, everyone had to do their homework in the morning.. hehee... I'm still taking summer classes.. :( At 5, we grilled and later that evening, me and Sam went back to CMU. So sad... :( (but with a box of strawberries that I stole... nyehahaah)

Sam with her parents. Too bad her sister, Jacqueline, wasn't there.
It was very very fun. Anyway, Sam, don't forget to tie your hair tomorrow... I don't want to be seen jogging with someone who looks crazy and weirdddd. Or will you need my lime green scarf? thehee...
Take care everyone. Tata... :D
Special wish for Sahilo n Add...
Happy 21st Birthday... I pray you guys will have a long and happy life... :)

Add & Ilo
Midwest Games
I must say, the midwest games was great... credits for the Midwest team... i love it! I had lots of fun... A lot of my friends came and I get to spend some time with them... Thank you Aliah and Dot for providing me a place to stay... kesian Aliah rumah die penuh.. hehe.. thank you Ikram for driving me everywhere as usual...
Hmm... I didn't play anything and I didn't have a particular university to cheer for so there I was, going everywhere and watching my friends play.. you know when sometimes you always want what you can't have... that's exactly how I felt... when I played basketball, I always wanted to be able to walk around and just watch everybody play but when I'm not playing, you get the idea... but still, it was all good..
About the pics... I might put them in my fotopages when I get them from my friends... haha... the pics from my camera are not that nice... as Anas said, "Yai, kamera ko tahap kene beli baru" hehee.. once upon a time, when not many had digital cameras, mine was the one everybody used! grr... a digital camera for my birthday gift anyone? hehe...
Anyway... when I got back from the midwest games, I had tons and tons of homework! I guess that's the pay for having so much fun... hehe... til later yeh... tata